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  原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com
  Days ofrobust China growth over? What's worrying global investors
  NEWDELHI: Adding to an 18-month low GDP growth rate, China, the world's secondlargest economy, has witnessed a slew of other disappointing economicindicators - signalling a worrying slowdown for the country.
  After clocking double-digit growth rates on average over the last threedecades, China's economy has slowed as the government repositions itto rely more on domestic demand. Economists predict a 7.3 percent averagegrowth rate for China this year, which would be the slowest expansion since1990, and a further cooling to 7.2 percent in 2015.
  Ratings agency Standard & Poor's has also flagged concerns on 'growingfinancial risks' in China. "We now see an increased likelihood that theChinese authorities may address the financial sector risks sooner rather thanlater. Under our baseline scenario, the fallout from such an event will becontained; but in a downside scenario the transition to a more risk-basedfinancial system, including the reduction in moral hazard, could be disorderly," Standard &Poor's Asia-Pacific chief economist Paul Gruenwald has said.
  What remains more of an unknown is how China will manage to ease itself off acredit-fuelled investment binge since the financial crisis hit and how well itwill deal with the overhang and subsequent pressure on asset prices.
  In particular, investors have grown worried over a credit bubble in the countryand what the Chinese monetary authorities may do to combat it. One outcome ofthis has been a marked fall in the value of the country's currency, the yuan,against the dollar.
  The yuanhas depreciated 3.1 percent versus the dollar so far this year after the PBOCguided the currency weaker starting in mid-January, which traders andeconomists said was a move to deter speculators from betting on a one-wayappreciation.
  The PBOC never said it was deliberately pushing the yuan down, but currencydealers said they suspected the drop was driven primarily by China's "BigFour" state-owned banks, who started buying up dollars in the domesticforeign exchange market at the central bank's behest. But the central bank hasmore recently no longer intervened to depress the yuan.
  Adding to the concerns renowned investors GeorgeSoros and Bill Gross have said that the China situation is similar tothe US crisis in 2008.
  China's factory activity shrank for the fourth straight month in April, showingeconomic weakness into the second quarter, a preliminary survey showed onrecently, although the pace of decline eased helped by policy steps to arrestthe slowdown. The HSBC/Markit flash Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) for Aprilrose to 48.3 from March's final reading of 48.0, but was still below the 50line separating expansion from contraction.
  Analysts see initial signs of stabilisation in the economy due to thegovernment's targeted measures to underpin growth, but believe more policysupport may be needed as structural reforms put additional pressure onactivity.
  On their part, policymakers in Beijing are unperturbed and say the modest slowdownis as expected and will continue. Signs of a slowdown in the first quarter hadbeen evident in a series of economic indicators, prompting the government tounveil a series of measures to promote growth, although it has ruled out majorstimulus.
  Mainland investor confidence has taken a further hit after state media reportedcomments from Xi Jinping at a politburo meeting, saying that current fiscal andmonetary policies would basically remain unchanged.
  "I think the language he used and the overall content in the speech wasbelow what people had expected," said Du Changchun, an analyst atNortheast Securities in Shanghai.
  "If there's no change in basic economic policy then it's likely therewon't be any strong measures, and overall this is dragging onexpectations."
  原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:龙腾翻译总管 转载请注明出处
  balasesham (Hyderabad)
  IS IndiaReady???????
  Chinarising and will continue to rise not just in the high rise building businessbut in every area of business sector. Reporting from Beijing and havingattended a conference in Dalian, I have to disagree with the authors of thisarticle. China is about to boom in the biotech and biopharmaceutical sector andcontinue to perform well in other sectors. It has momentum and has a drive tosucceed and the 1.3 + billion population of consumers. It is a place wherethings are happening and happening with clock work precision.
  freddie (Germany) replies to kbiotech05
  7 Hours ago
  well donedecision by Chinese government to reduce growth a bit,it reduces inflationrate, too and it is even a good decision of Chinas government to be focus ofenviroment...like water managemant, solar and wind energy,eletrical cars,energy savings buildings.Your leaders are smart. Yes,I agree with you Kbiotech,no reasons to be worried.
  sairam (hyderabad)
  india'srobust growth will start very soon
  A. S.Mathew (U.S.A.)
  12 Hours ago
  ChineseGDP would be declining further since the world recovery is not solid at all butonly in the paper. The disappearing middle class in the U.S. will be forced tocurtail a lot of consumption from x to y, mainly made in China. Likewise thenew Ukraine game will create economic havoc in Eastern and Western Europeannations, if not solved at the earliest. Their consumption of Chinese goodswould be decelerating. The world-wide economy is precisely in a stagnation dueto the multiple winds blowing, so the 2nd richest nation with the No 1 exporterand importer would be caught up in a great economic question.
  AdvManoj Ambat (Palakkad, Kerala, India)
  A goldenopportunity for India. It is time for some catching up to do. Another factorthat will be in India's favour will be down sizing of the defence expenditurein China that will slow down their development of newer weapons systems and ina way will be good news for India and India also starts upgrade of our defenceforces with an eye on countering China in the long run.
  Morgan(Australia) replies to Adv Manoj Ambat
  Whilst Iagree that India should seize this (and every) opportunity, it has a long wayto go to catch up; more importantly, before focusing on defense, India needs tofocus on it's industries, education and infrastructure.
  NarinderSharma (Ambala) replies to Morgan
  At lessthan 2% of GDP strengthening defense is the least of the political prioritiesof India. We are spending many times that on social upliftment of the masses.The focus unfortunately is short term and wasteful. That must & will cahngesoon - they have no option.
  joommen_2001Oommen (Trivandrum)
  chinaslowing is good news for india
  bculasbculas (Tiruchendur India)
  China'sgrowth has slowed down but that is not good news for the rest of the world
  Theglobal investors always wants bubbles and speculations..
  NarinderSharma (Ambala)
  TheChinesegrwoth model was a big balloon all these years. It has finally caught upwith them. Good, now India will start moving !!
  Morgan(Australia) replies to Narinder Sharma
  LOL - youmake is sound as if it was China that stopped India from investing ininfrastructure, or that it was China that prevented India from reforming it's outdatedland and labor laws.... no, that had nothing to do with China and everything todo with politics in India.
  NarinderSharma replies to Morgan
  Underinvoicing their products and living off the promise of false profits thisdownswing was being predicted by Indian economists since 2010. With foreigninvestment constantly chasing growth and profits the only option is India.Reforms in India are inevitable.
  S o o r ya (DSM) replies to Narinder Sharma
  yes thereis a chance for India to enter in to the gap. mean time Govt also may change
  arifullakhanKhan (Bangalore)
  Other countriesshould be careful so that China's economy should not affect them
  swagger144(Earth) replies to arifullakhan Khan
  I believeIndia is not so connected with China as it is with USA and thus its fall willnot affect India..

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